AgoraCart Updates:
5.0.000 to 5.2.00 & Gold Version 5.1.000 to 5.5.000
Gold Version 5.5.000 is Faster: due to not looking for product categories on every mouse click, and not checking for & deleting old cart files.
- Remove dynamic portion of cart IDs, helping to increase SEO rankings and keeping unfriendly bots from becoming stuck in the cart.
- Remove cart IDs when search engine BOT is detected, making SEO processes more efficient.
- Old carts and server side cookies removed at manager login instead of when a new visitor is detected, speeding up the store substantially.
- Cleaned up manager interface and too out most of the clutter, making it much easier to manager your store. The resources and links are moved to the "Merchandising/Merchant Tools and Resources" manager.
- Added template/theme installer/uninstaller, making it possible to download new templates for your store from
- Added buttonset installer/uninstaller, making it possible to download new buttonsets for your store from
- Added Payment Gateway installer/uninstaller, making it possible to download, uninstall, or update any portion of a payment gateway for your store from It even handles the secondary copy for additional gateways, so no more forgetting to update that file location.
- Moved options in cart contents display to placement under product name for more room in order to display options and a cleaner look/layout.
- Gold Version Only: Moved 10 and 20 user DB version upgrade options to a separate page
- Gold Version Only: Updated all Gold Version payment gateways to allow customization of order logging, order conformation, and order process wby editing a custom file and setting options inthe gateay manager, allowing customization without editing the core code... no more messy updates of payment gateways if you have customized them.
- Moved Store Template selection and CSS location settings to the Main/Core settings manager, making it easier to setup the store cutting out 2 steps.
Gold Version 5.5.000 increases SEO: due to due to removing the dynamic portions of the URL when serch engines visit your store. URLs are now Search Engine Friendly
- Template Manager renamed to "Store Header/Footer File Editor"
- Store Layout Manager renamed to "Layout & Design Settings"
- Added Copyright Company name to Layout & Design Settings manager, allowing copyrights to be assigned to your company without editing any pre-designed template.
- buySAFE management added, allowing you to create higher trust in your company/site.
- Gold Version Only: Membership levels displayed. No more guessing.
- Gold Version Only: Fixed PayPal IPN so that verified payments work as designed, no more trapped for investigation errors on valid & confirmed orders.
- Gold Version Only: Only "new" (aka never installed and/or not installed) files, add-ons, gateways, buttonsets, templates that are available to you based on current membership standing will show in the upgrade manager
- Over 50+ new datafields available for order logging and capture, mostly for expansion and those that are willing to customize their store at an intermediate or advanced level giving more flexibility for order data processing requirements
- Moved userfields up the token list so that tokens can be used in the userfields and then replaced prior to output, adding more flexibility to the database userfields for each product. (intermediate to advanced feature).
- A link to AgoraCart's Bugzilla within the store manager, mostly for programmers, designers and AgoraNauts to submit a real/valid bug to be fixed in the core code.
- Product Category list for display now stord in a variable and built in manager whenever a new product is added or a product is edited or deleted.
- Product Categories now called and displayed in store headers with a single variable built in the manager areas, this substantially speeds up the store when many categories are present. Requires a manual edit to a customized header file or a reload/replacement of an existing template header file.
Gold Version 5.5.000 is Easier to use: The manager has a cleaner look, updates are more organized, and newl Gold Version tools added to edit store layout files
- Added Credit Card authorizations to Authorize.Net payment gateway.
- Fixed Storewide discount code.
- Merchandising Tools renamed to: CMS - Content management.
- These managers: Store Header/Footer Editor, CSS File Editor, Cart Contents, Discount & Coupon Codes, Featured Product, Best Sellers, New Products moved to the new CMS screen.
- Gold Version Only: Warning Notice if Gold version credentials are possibly invalid or expired
- Gold Version Only: Various news messages updated according to validity of credentials or setup guidelines displayed if new install and until Gold member/version credentials entered in password manager
- Gold Version Only: CMS Store File editor that allows edits and copies of most files in the following directories of a default store: add_ons, html, html/html-templates, html/options, html/pages, html/forms. So now you can edit the mian index page for the store, all store info or "cartlink" pages, all option files, all dynamic pages, all product page layouts, and custom category headers & footers.